Growing a mustache is harder than I thought.

This is not the best photo of the day from a quality standpoint... but how could I not post this little Chickadee collecting fur from my dog's brush? It's a through the window foggy image, but the best that could be done under the circumstances. We were in the kitchen and this little guy hopped onto the table I have on the deck. He proceeded to clean out the dog brush, that had a bit of fur left in it from the last fleecing of Riley. He worked so hard and got nearly every bit of fur that was there. (I'll have to tell him that there's 3 tons more where that came from... Riley is a shedder-monster!) Forget a little nest, the Chickadees could build a whole city out of her fur. ;)

We had a great day. It was sunny and quite cool, but that was perfect weather for a hike in a nearby art park. 2 miles of hills that wound through the woods. The have sculpture-esque art throughout the trail. I had high expectations... let's just say it was a great hike through very pretty woods. (Maybe they ran short on funding...) A few pieces were quite interesting, but none of those photos topped the character of this chickadee.

Still gabbing away with Mom. It's so nice to have her up for a visit!

Happy Memorial Weekend to those around here. And I hope everyone has a good weekend everywhere.

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