
Today's the day ...................... to have no time to stand and stare

I've been to two meetings today.

To get to the first, I had to walk along the banks of the River Kent where there were ducks and swans and other wildlife swimming about in the sparkling water.

To get to the second, which was in Coniston, I was given a lift in a colleague's car - and we drove through the most jaw-droppingly beautiful Lake District scenery. It was one of those days when everything was crystal clear, the sky was blue and there were just the right amount of interesting clouds to make a good picture. And so did I take any pictures - well no, I didn't.

I was very late for the first meeting and so I had to practically run all the way. For the second one, the car journey was an ideal time to discuss agenda items - and network. I hardly had time to draw breath, never mind get them to stop the car so I could get out and blip.

So - instead, here is an intimate picture of a fern in my garden, slowly unfurling. Bernard Poet (who hates pictures of plants) is just going to have to look away. Next time - I'll make them stop the car ........................

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