
Today's the day .......................... for a recipe

Two fortunate occurrences happened today in my local supermarket that combined to result in a tasty tea.

The first was to find some reblochon cheese in the reduced section of the refridgerated shelves. Aha, I thought - I recognise that cheese. That's what they use to make that delicious French potato stuff that you get in the Savoie Alps. Then, what did I notice in the rack of supermarket recipe cards? Well, the actual recipe of course. It was meant to be.

So - here's the recipe, if you fancy making some:

Ingredients (for 4)

1 kg waxy potatoes, peeled
1-2 tbsp olive oil
250g (9oz) chunky bacon lardons
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
120 ml white wine
200ml double cream
1 reblochon, about 350g
Chopped parsley
Butter for greasing

How to do it

Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/gas mark 5.

Cover the potatoes in salted cold water, bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes then drain. Leave the potatoes to cool in their own steam.

Next heat a frying pan, add the olive oil and cook the bacon until golden and crisp, then remove from the pan. Add the onion and cook until soft and little brown on the edges. Then add the garlic and cook for 1 minute before deglazing the pan with the white wine. Let the wine reduce a little and remove from the heat.

Slice the potatoes and place half into a buttered gratin dish with a little milled pepper. Sprinkle over half of the bacon and half of the onion mixture. Repeat the layering with the remaining potatoes, bacon and onions, leaving a few potatoes for the top. Pour over the cream and the wine, arrange the sliced reblochon cheese, sprinkle over the parsley and bake for about 25 - 30 minutes until the cheese is golden.

Traditional accompaniments are charcuterie, gherkins and pickled silver-skin onions. A plain green salad with a mustardy vinaigrette is a good foil. Bon appetite ......................

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