New room

3years 208 days

After I finished work, Granny and Grandad came round. They'd collected a futon for me from a friend. Previously, this room had Katie's first single bed in and was quite cramped (she's in the big bedroom with her Princess bed now). We now have a lovely room with a double futon, my drawers and I think room for my PC. I cant wait to have room to move my "office" out of our living room! Katie came home from nursery and almost straight away ran up to look. She loved the big space and called Grandad to come see and read books with her. They stayed there reading until I had finished cooking tea.

I had also come across a good value new rug to replace the one in our lounge. Its a really soft one. I told my parents that I thought Katie would rather like lying and snuggling on it. The first thing she did was lie and snuggle on it.

She'd had a really good day at nursery. Her and Tamsin had been playing together a lot of the day. Lesley told me that Katie had been blamed for causing Tamsin injury - "because she made me laugh so much that I fell and banged my head"!

Edit: I've just noticed that a year ago was her and her grandad too!

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