
This heron thoughtfully stayed in one place, high in a tree, while Samuel and I walked this morning. You take pictures with the lens on the camera, even if it isn’t a long one and isn’t auto focus. 

We made it to Karen’s parents. We’ve realized we forgot Samuel’s veterinarian prescribed cannot-easily-buy dog food. You can’t switch a dog’s food quickly, you’ll mess up their digestion and you’ll be sorry. There are worse things than getting lots and lots of treats. I’m a big advocate for treats anyway. 

I gave Karen’s mom the gift of a set of special salts from Iceland. Other than with chocolate I have no idea what you do with licorice salt, which is one of the bottles. 

Karen’s mom gave me, uh, I mean me and Karen (she gave me) fairy plant stakes. They are garden stakes with glorious glass beads all over. 

You see who likes who right? 

The IT guy who moved to the forest rather than be drafted to fight Ukraine? He is still in the forest. He was against the war from the start, receiving a fine and spending two weeks in detention for sticking a poster saying "No to war" on the wall of his apartment building. His wife brings him food once every three weeks. He has a solar panel and internet connection and continues to work. There is supposed to be an exemption for IT specialists but he doesn’t trust it. Unlike friends of his who went to Kazakhstan, he really, really, really doesn’t want to leave Russia and living in the woods, even in winter, seems better. He’s an introvert so he is ok being by himself. He now has a following on Telegram of 17,000 people. 

Ukraine has been requesting American made fighter jets. The Netherlands may provide Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter jets if Kyiv asks the Dutch Foreign Minister said Thursday.

Paris is considering transferring its Leclerc battle tanks to Ukraine. Poland is sending a brigade of tanks. 

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