New Rose

Well, that’s it. Four shows down (5 if you include dress rehearsal) and five to go. But at least we have three days off before the next one to rest and recuperate. My wig is back on its stand, props are neatly stored away and my hump (don’t ask) is having a good airing.
But what about those flowers? Those are from fellow blipper dunkyc who was doing Front of House at this afternoon’s show and had been following my tales of woe regarding my struggle with this flu bug during the pantomime.
He decided to hedge his bets and bring flowers in case I hadn’t made it through the night. He assumed (no doubt correctly) that if that had been the case there would have been some sort of memorial shrine at the side of the stage where floral tributes could be left. But if I had made it then I would no doubt still be suffering and in need of drugs, hence the Max Strength Cold and Flu Capsules sellotaped to the flowers.
I’m pleased to say it was the latter scenario that applied and, buoyed up by said pharmaceuticals, I made it through to the end of the show. But the flowers were not wasted as I presented them to Mrs C as if they were a thoughtful gift from me. When she reads this she will know the truth, but it’s bought me a few hours of being pampered and looked after this evening.
I don’t know if it’s the effect of the drugs, or if I am actually recovering from this flu, but I do feel slightly better tonight. Let’s hope this trend continues next week.

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