Busy Day

I am conscious that the days until Joshua and Tiana head back are slipping but happy that the remaining days seem to be full.
I have tried not to hog their company, Mrs S working has missed out as has Sam who has often looked after both dogs whilst the rest of us have been out, not too often but often enough for me to notice.
I forget sometimes that Samantha misses her brother, Mrs S has a small family, some in California, I have a larger family, most living on the Surrey-Hampshire border that we see infrequently so until Josh joined the Army Sam spent her time in his company.

Today was a busy day;
Josh, Tiana and I had a couple of hours at the rugby club with the Thursday Gang
Josh, Tiana, Sam and Karla went off to Constantine Store
Clare, Paddy and I left for Hugus Hounds where Josh, Tiana, Sam and Karla joined us and the dogs had a one hour run out.
Clare, Paddy and I home via town so I could pick up 7kg of beef mince for Saturday.
Joshua, Tiana and I out the 5* to meet friend Steve for a quick round of beers before picking up fish & chips for five to take home for dinner.

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