Bully Beef and Chips.....

Another day I wish I'd stayed in bed. Last night was wet and windy so of course cows and calves decided to play up.
First job was to bring in the Angus bulling heifers from the Lambing Field and take out the two that had mastitis during the summer . They will need to be fattened instead. Moved them to the field I hauled the Flecveih heifers from down the road to yesterday.
Next job was to bring in a cow with a calf that hadn't sucked properly and was suffering from last night's weather. Then another one that had calved on Monday and hadn't cleaned yet (retained the afterbirth) .
Then the other Limousin bull I had bought was delivered so hauled him out to meet his ladies.
After lunch,nabbed Kev and we headed down the road to repair the electric fence that the heifers wrecked on Monday. Some heavy showers ,but we got there in the end.
This is one of my homebred bulls I put out yesterday,trying to impress his harem .

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