Faster than the speed of light......

A busy one today. First job was to bring in some cows and calves. Not bad,followed a bag of barley out the gate. Once into the yard,shedding off the 2 cows and calves I was after was a bit more exciting. A4,who has always been a bit excitable, didnt want to go,just kept shutting her eyes and going right through you. Got there eventually.
Ran the rest back to their field ,then loaded up the 2 cows plus the 2 I lifted the calves off last week into the trailer and headed off to the mart at St Boswell's.
A quick wash out,an even quicker roll and sausages,then headed along the road to collect one of 2 limousin bulls I have bought. Once I got back,took him up to a field of cows and let him out. He didn't need asked twice,as my poor attempt at a photo shows. Hopefully he will have plenty of girlfriends to calm him down.
The electrician back to fit a switch to my grain dryer. Got it to fire up,but another controller playing up so he will need to get another bit for it. Hey ho.

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