The Ladies man.....

A busy one again today. First job was to entice my spring calving cows and calves into the steading when I fed them. Then separate the cows from the calves and give the calves their first pneumonia vaccine. They will get their second dose in four weeks time when we wean them and shut them in a shed for the winter.
Took the limousin bull away from the cows too, loaded him up and took him to a field of autumn calving cows ,some new ladies for him to get to work on. It's a tough life being a bull.
Then Kev and I went next door to help wee brother bring in his spring calves for the same . Were getting through vaccinating the calves fine until one kicked a gate and it skelped Kev on the head. So he's now away to get a cut stitched up and we are a man down .
Took the Aberdeen Angus bull away from the cows and put him in with the 34 bulling heifers. He didn't waste any time once he came out the trailer and had one bulled nearly before I shut the trailer door ! This is him showing he is interested once he has smelled someone ready to bull by curling his nose up. Tups do the same with ewes.

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