View from the cab

Usual morning rounds feeding cattle,then had to twin on a calf to a cow that calved a dead one yesterday.
Lifted the calf off a pure limousin cow who isn't making a good job of feeding her calf through lack of milk. Did the usual trick of skinning the dead calf and giving this one an extra jacket so it's new mum gets the smell of the dead one and hopefully thinks it's her own one.
By tonight when I looked in the pen it was in sucking and she was talking to it ,so looking good. It's real mum doesn't seem to be roaring for it,so once she's dried off she'll be off to the mart.
Had a wee shot of the drainer's 360 digger this afternoon. I'm going to shift the 34 heifers and the Angus bull into the field it was in so I moved it to the next door field so as they won't damage the windows or mirrors by rubbing on them. Don't think you would let me loose on a building site, but a 30 acre field was no problem !

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