
By KCNQ2Haiku

Spider's web

Heavy fog, damp air,
intricate patterns revealed,
glist'ning though the mist.

House was quiet today, Mr KCNQ2Haiku was in the office for a change, funny how we have become so used to Home Working, that it is strange to have a day where he has to go in..
I did some householdy jobs and then allowed myself to sit and read for a bit in my super quiet house.  Very decadent!  Spoke to my Mum to arrange a meet up tomorrow, she is visiting my Grandad at the weekend and I wanted to pass on birthday presents.  
Fetched Ben from school which was a bit of a disaster, he was playing basketball as I pulled up, so he came to the passenger door and was chatting with me and his teacher.  When he was done he just shut the passenger door.. but didn't move his other hand. (Just to be clear, for those who care or love him.. he's already completely fine!)  But, one of the things he struggles with is how to handle pain in the moment like that, he can often make things worse before they get better as he screams and shakes or hits whatever hurts.  So he was running and screaming around the school car park, hitting his sore hand on his head, I have to step back and try to show him how calm I am and that it will be OK, when really I have no idea what the damage is.  He eventually sat on the ground and let me come close, it looked bad but school quickly provided ice pack and plaster to stop the bleeding (whatever happened to schools giving out a wet paper towel for every injury??) and he agreed he could bend it and we came home.  It had looked like a proper gash but by the time we got home (20 mins later) the swelling had gone down and it looked like barely anything... oh to be able to heal like a 13 year old :-D
Mr KCNQ2Haiku's mum was here after school, taking older teen for cake and playing with Ben, although he was a bit less engaged today, fairly understandably.  
Photo is from the morning school run when it was all misty and atmospheric and the cobwebs were fun on the gates.  It's just my phone as I didn't have time to get my proper camera but it still just about captures the mood :-D Very Octobery!

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