How Many Colors Are There?

Another rainy, cool and overcast day is upon us. Millie and I slept in pretty late. I made hubby country sausage and French toast for brunch. He cleaned the interior of the camper and several other small jobs. While he purchased repair parts for our kitchen door knob, I walked around LOWES, snapping photos of their array of mums. Gosh, they were so pretty with the rain drops. Love how they planted different colors in the same pot. We got our flu shots and hubby got the third COVID booster. We saw one of my three paternal cousins who is also my Godson. It was great catching up. We had other errands to run all around the county while we were out. We stopped at our favorite Mexican restaurant for shrimp and rice on the way home. Hubby has a Knights’ meeting so I guess the kitties and I will snuggle under a warm, comfy blanket this evening. Thanks for stopping by and leaving treats. Stay safe. “Every year … the crowning and majestic hours of autumn, I go to visit the chrysanthemums ... They are indeed, the most universal, the most diverse of flowers.”— Maurice Maeterlinck

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