Finally, A Monarch Visited

Kitties got us up very early. I puttered around the house catching up on small jobs. Hubby did the same outside, then he went to the base to get his meds. We finally have clear skies so I walked around the property. Took several photos of a scary spider but simply could not get a good focus. I pulled up all the volunteer purple basil plants by the garden patio and in my circle flower garden. As I was coming back to the house, I saw the Monarch on my butterfly bush. It finally landed on an outside blossom so I could get a shot. This afternoon, I started working on my Christmas spreadsheet. There are quite a few gifts in the spare bedroom, time to sort them out. Thankfully, the family has started wish lists so I can get busy. We have two WV trips planned so time is limited. We are going out to dinner with a cousin, my sister and BIL to continue our Mother’s birthday celebration. That means another carefree evening. Thanks for dropping by. Be safe. “The butterfly said to the sun: They can't stop talking about my transformation. I can only do it once in my lifetime. If only they knew they can do it at any time and in countless ways." - Dodinsky

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