Millie - I Missed you, Gram

It was definitely a typical fall day, overcast, damp and chilly. We did all the post trip tasks: empty the camper, laundry, unpack, grocery shop, change our bed linens (kitties stay in the master suite when we are not home), clean up kitty mess, etc. I made a pot of homemade chili for dinner (another fall indicator). Whenever we took a break, the kitties were on our lap before we were settled on the recliners. They snuggled with us in bed last night. We know they are visited daily and we started leaving the radio on to provide human voices). I think that has settled their anxiety. Hubby had a long chat with his youngest son. Wish that part of the family was closer. I have identified the trees I blipped a few days ago: Koelreuteria Bipinnata, also known as Chinese flame trees. They are primarily used as ornamentals. Sure hope your day has been relatively quiet like ours. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.” - Tay Hohoff

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