Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Blue sky, buddleia and Red Admiral.

The Feast Day of Saint William.
It is a gloriously warm sunny day with a temperature of 19c outdoors and 20.5c indoors. There are still many Small Tortoiseshells and Red Admirals enjoying the buddleia flowers in our neighbourhood.
It is a mystery as to why they appeared so late in the Summer, but it is a joy to watch them and quite a challenge to capture a good shot of their beautiful wings.
My husband Paul retires after work today. He is a very hard working conscientious man. so he will enjoy his new freedom to do his favourite hobby, writing music and playing his guitars. He has converted a room upstairs into his Man Shed music room.
We both enjoy country walks, visits to Yorkshire and the Lake District,
so hopefully plenty of happy times ahead.
Have a lovely day blip friends and thank you for dropping by.
Total steps today 10985.

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