Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A pink hibiscus with a burgundy centre.

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
The Feast Day of Saint Giles.
It is a good start to September, 21c outdoors and 19.5c indoors.  We have very bright sunlight with a mild breeze. I wore sunglasses and a light body warmer.
I have used my watering can to refresh all the plants, prayed the rosary and followed online Mass.
I have walked through the woodland and Cut Wood to see how the water level looks in the reservoir. It is still low, but there were a few seagulls and ducks on the water.
September is our family birthday month with seven birthdays and the wedding anniversary of my Aunty and Uncle. Plenty to celebrate and be thankful for.
I have clocked up 8216 steps so far. It is time to make some lunch now, so have a lovely day and thanks for visiting my site blip friends.

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