twinned with trumpton


A full Monday; until it wasn't.

Out into what looks almost like a week's work used to look like about 2 and a half years ago. I took the lad's bike as mine is still getting a new chain fitted after the last one dropped into several pieces as I was speeding past John Lewis on Thursday. There was no point in wasting the momentum of a good 3/4 of a mile of down hill at pace looking for something that was unsalvageable, so... 

I battered around Fettes / Stockbridge / Comely Bank before creating havoc in the New Town; drinking tea in the Old Town, onwards to the Soothside and a u turn along the Pleasance, the millionaire's pads next to the office and downhill physically but not spiritually to greater Leith and beyond. 

With much work squeezed into the day,I had some wriggle room to go and meet a visiting blip dignitary and her daughter. With the vague remit of 'meet on a footpath somewhere between the Gallery of Modern Art and the Ocean Terminal with the supposed premise of spotting all 6 Gormleys dotted along the Water of Leith' I duly bumped into them just shy of Dean Village.

Off down stream we did go, admiring the fine architecture and the more modern Eat Bread / Drink Tea motifs / ceramic mosaics / etc that are to be found when one wanders in Embra. 

Having exhausted the tourists and without any (suitable or otherwise) tea type establishments to hand, the tourists took a 21 to Porty and their end point for the day whilst I set about a prescription and some bits for a bbq on the beach. 

She'd somehow managed to rid herself of both the hound and the lass so was coming to mine for some peace  (!) and tranquility (!)

As the sun was still up, I dragged together the portable bbq and some suitable food and a cool cider and we sat and dined at Pensioner's front door (practically) until ....

A migraine was brewing and the child free evening didn't quite live up to expectations. Oh well. 

Extra is  

L-R: Gormley , Arachne 
At Powderhall

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