A fine day to spray

11.0C with blue sky and a light breeze.

A beautiful day. The back door and lots of windows have been open most of the day. Maeve the Deerhound has been outside both this morning and this afternoon enjoying the fresh air. It must be just the temperature she likes :-)

I was out in the front garden pruning back dogwood bushes when I heard this vehicle in the field closest to the side of our house. Within a minute I saw the top of the vehicle go past on the other side of the Hawthorn hedge. I went back inside and got a camera then walked up the road a bit to where I could get a vantage point through the hedge. I took a few shots the next time it approached up the slope and as it turned and went along the side of the field towards the church. The blip is another variation of the three layers of field, sea, and sky. I'd say it was an ideal morning for spraying, with the ground a little damp and the breeze not enough to blow the spray around.

After lunch Maeve and I went for our walk. As we walked towards the church the spraying vehicle returned for another turn round the field. Then as we approached the field with the bridle path I could see the small red tractor going round the field with a harrow. Oddly the top part of the field is still not ploughed and there are still some bales sitting on the stubble.

Walking towards the shore I noticed a small boat in the water away to my left towards Arbroath. Probably a creel boat out of Arbroath rather than from Easthaven.

We went through the little field and over the level crossing and down to the beach. The tide was well out. Straight away I noticed 'Valhalla VI' sitting on the wet sand in the channel the boats use to go in and out through the rocks. At last a boat from Westhaven is in the water. 'Shamara II' and the very small boats are still high and dry beside the Fishermen's huts.

I sat for a while on the seat in the dunes near the creel rack. I was playing Runrig on the Nano. The albums with Donnie. Maeve stood and rested her head on my knee. We looked out to sea and watched the water shimmering in the sun :-)

Selected other pics in the Blipfolio in Misc.

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