Faded Glamour

13.7C and bright in the morning with more cloud in the afternoon, breezy.

Apothecary7 had her day off today. We went into Dundee. While having coffee in the M&S cafe at City Quay we agreed to have a wander into the city and perhaps take some pictures of the statue of Desperate Dan. As you do.

On the way back to the car, and with Dan photos, I noticed this sign above a very sad dilapidated entranceway to what might have been a splendid place some time in the past. I liked the way the light hit the sign, and the echo of the green tones in the wall, and the warmth of the stone. It stood out again when I had a look at my pictures on screen at home so it has become my blip. A blip from the city after several days of rural scenes.

When we got home we took Maeve the Deerhound for her usual walk. There was a small tractor/forklift in the field with the bridle path. It had bags of seed next to it. I took photos. I almost posted one.

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