A New Discovery

We were up early (again) since we had places to go. It rained all day, sometimes just a drizzle and other times, a downpour. Hubby met the roofers at my mother’s to get an estimate. She will get one more estimate to ensure she is getting a good price. Unlike our problems that were caused by wind and hail, her shingles are simply old. Hubby picked up my eye drops, more bleach solution for our water treatment system and groceries for the trip. I met my sister and we went to an estate sale. We stopped by a different grocery store on the way back home. I am sure this is not a new dogwood tree and I have passed it for years and simply not seen it. It is on the berm in front of my son’s neighborhood that is right before ours. I guess I needed the grey clouds to make it stand out. After I put all our new stuff away, we packed the camper with most of the non-perishables. Hubby put ribs and chicken in the smoker. That will take care of tomorrow’s meal and one on the trip. My legs have not recuperated so I spent time on the recliner in between tasks. This is our last day to prepare so I really should get busy. Thanks for visiting my journal. It has been another no news day. Hopefully, Ukrainian civilians have been spared this week. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend folks. ”Only a select few are able to see the true beauty that lies behind what just might seem like a rainy day or a grey sky.” – Jessica M. Laar

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