Streets o Toab

A cold wind, mostly sunny.  There was a snow flurry when I drove home.  

Up early, and early shift in the airport.  I've been working on the check-in desk all day.  A fairly busy day of passengers, and sadly some big delays on the Aberdeen flights.  Finished work, and dashed off to work in the shop.  A steady evening, thankfully not rushed off my feet.  Well that's been a long day, thank goodness for feet up. 

The brain has been numb most of the day, information overload with delayed flights, then no rest after work.  The most excitement today was nipping along the shop at lunchtime, when I snapped this much inspiring view.  Maybe in years to come, it cod be a fine snap for documenting the area, if nothing else.  Taken outside John Goudie general merchant, aka Toab shop and Toabsgeo housing, Virkie.  

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