Very Special People

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I felt very tired today. I was yawning all day despite THREE coffees. And also it was a relatively quiet day with just me and Corrie keeping each other company. 

Oh, and the usual Fazzy-abuse via Teams. 

I told her of the conversation I'd had with the Princess the previous night. And how I had told Princess that although it wasn't a competition, I did just happen to have a text message from Shenée, that I'd received an hour earlier, saying, "You are very special to me."

"Not that I want you to think Shenée is edging you out as my best friend or anything," I told the Princess. "I just thought you'd find it interesting. But please don't feel threatened. It's interesting though, isn't it?"

There then followed THEEEEEE most sarcastic being told I'm special that I have ever heard. "I've always thought that you are REEEEEALLY REALLY 'special'," said the Princess. "Maybe the MOST 'SPECIAL' person I have ever met," she added with unnecessary glee. 

It is this sort of thing that makes me LOVE talking to the Princess. And in fact I think we spoke for even longer than usual, doing that whole thing of bringing new subjects up right at the end of the conversation because you just don't want the chat to end. And at the end we signed off by saying how special we were to each other.

Come to think of it, maybe THAT'S why I was tired today.

Fazzy continued on where the Princess had left off. Laughing at me and giving me her signature Fazzy eye-roll. And again, our meeting went way over time because we were laughing (at each other) too much. 

It is quite true; I admit it. I love the abuse.

Because I'm special.


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