
By HeartFreek

Aber Falls in the Rain

Once Mr W had finished work for the day, we headed out to Aber Falls - another suggestion of Karens - its great having your own Tourist Information Guide!!!

It started raining once we got there and Bella was a bit grumbly then disgraced herself by having a little run with one of the sheep. Luckily Mr W spotted her and she stopped the second we called her name. Its the 1st time she has ever done that and meant she had to be on the lead most of the way up to the Falls.

Mr W then kept accidentally poking me with his giant Brolley and my camera was getting wet. By the time we arrived at the Falls I was dead grumpy. Don't allow this picture to fool you!!!!!

But boy was it worth it. This was the most impressive waterfall I have ever seen, except for one I saw in Kenya but that's different!

I think listening to the neighbours dog (I shall call him Bruno!)  bark manically for nearly 3 hours SOLID had pushed me and Bella over the edge and made us really moody but we are back "home" now and he's quiet, Bella is sleeping and Im feeling better.

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