
By HeartFreek

Rainbow Brollies and a Lone tree

We met Blippers Karen and Charlotte and their lovely Hubbies at a lake famous for a Lone Tree. I have previously seen Karens pictures of the tree and think one of her pictures was the best picture I have ever seen!!! Today it was cold and grey and it looked totally different!!!

But we were there to mess about with Rainbow Brollies for Karens Blip Birthday. The boys kindly took charge of the cameras for us and for a change - Mr W actually did quite well!!!! I only had 1 blurry picture out of 90!!!

We just about made it to the Lone Tree Cafe before it closed then back to Karens for a take away curry.  It was great to catch up with the gang after so long. Bella and Karens dogs Bobby and Milou got on really well. I think she remembered them from when she was a puppy!!

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