Mud March

After 76 days of being apart, I met with Daughter Number 2 today. Shes only 5 miles down the road so theoretically we could have met for exercise during a dog walk but I was a little reluctant as she was still mixing with builders, work people, her father and her Bestie.

It was lovely to see her in person instead of behind a Zoom screen. Shes keeping well and unlike DN1, has a very little bump considering shes now 16 weeks pregnant. Of course Bella was totally thrilled to see her. DN2 is Bellas favourite person in the world.

We did an epic 13 000 stepper but it seemed more due to the mud. I know I go on about mud but it really is awful.

We are hoping to meet every week now but I will need to go to her as the feud between her and Mr W continues. I'm not sure itvwill be resolved any time soon. Sad face.

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