Rock Hopping

Blipper friend Karen suggested we visited Betws-y-coed while here in Wales so we headed out for the day. I used my Walking app to plot a little walk for Bella once there and Im glad I did as we would never have found this path along a river and along a beautiful golf course.

I found a row of rocks and decided to bravely jump along them, trying to conquer my fear of slipping on rocks after my fall a few months ago when I fell off one! Its my stupid walking boots - they have no grip, Mr W just says its my confidence!!!! Anyway - I did it.

We had a wander around the shops and stopped for cheesy chips and curry sauce before heading back to Llandudno (cheapest fuel about) and back round The Great Orme to see the mountain gots, only to find them in the garden of a nursing home nibbling their bushes and not on the rocks!!!!

I have been really worried about the neighbours dog where we are staying. He's left for up to 11 hours in a filthy yard (see extra), just barking all day long. Bella is slowly getting used to his noise but I can't bear to hear him so lonely and living in such filthy conditions so I have started doing a bit of digging about what I can do. I have contact a Kelpie Rescue centre who said they have room for him and gave me a number for a dog warden to call. His owners finally came home  at 10pm last night  when the barking and whining finally stopped. He doesn't meet the RSPCA criteria as he looks well fed and is able to go inside as they leave the back door open but the house looks worse than the yard!!!!

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