Birthday Surprise

I thought the highlight of my birthday would be breakfast on the very sunny if somewhat cold patio (extra). Then daughter#1 suggested we could meet up somewhere. So we did, at Burnham Beeches.

It was good to see the grandsons again after their recent brush with Covid. Joe was a bit grumpy at first as he thought he was coming to stay with us rather than just meet us. He also fell over a few times which didn't help and the best shot I got of him was him hiding inside a wooden sculpture. Rory was a lot more engaging. Amongst other things he explained Minecraft to me, in very intricate detail. He also showed me his new coat, with built in light panels.

The car park was pretty full when we arrived but somehow we managed to get adjacent parking spaces. After lunch and our walk we had a birthday cake ceremony by the cars. I was pretty worried about mrsfb waving matches about in the back of the car to light the candles, but we survived. Rory asked me how old I was. He informed me that I have just one more year to go before I enter really serious old age.

The drive home was pretty awful. There was obviously a major accident on the A40. My Google maps satnav was not much help, saving us a bit of time maybe but bringing us back into the main traffic queue rather than guiding us around it. It was pretty clear the road was closed so I turned around and made up my own route.

I've got to go and clear the downstairs cloakroom now. Our first project of 2022 starts tomorrow. It should only take a couple of days as it will be nowhere near as complex as doing the two bathrooms.

One year ago:
Pun Filled Birthday

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