The King Of Prussia

I was intending to pop down to the town today to get a shot of the church, undoubtedly the main landmark around here. I've had to stay in though to make several executive decisions, as and when required by the cloakroom fitters. It's not as though I haven't posted any images of the church before. And it's raining now anyway.

So instead I've done a shot of a print we picked up in Fowey recently to go in the bathroom, once we get a frame for it. I'm still sorting and editing my Fowey images but as it happens I've got a similar shot looking back at the quay from the Polruan ferry. The print is pretty accurate. The landmark building in the thumbnail is one of our favourite pubs, The King Of Prussia. It's a shame it is mono Monday as it is actually painted a lovely shade of pink. I've put an extra in to show you.

The cloakroom is coming along very well, should be finished tomorrow.

One year ago: 
Valentine's Rose #2

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