Where’s the Worm?

Sunny, beautiful day with a high of 55 deg F and expected low of 39 deg F. I got up at 8. There were tons of birds and many varieties at the feeders and on the lawn. This American Robin won today’s blip spot. I grabbed a few shots and then had to get ready to pick up Momma for our dermo appointments. We each got sprayed with liquid nitrogen to burn off pre-cancerous skin but it was quick. Hubby was working with insurance adjusters to determine the amount of hail damage our roof incurred last summer. Since our shingles are no longer made (37” length), we’ll have to get a new roof but the bureaucratic process will take about two months. We treated Momma to a late lunch before taking her home. We went by another church for pictures in case I wasn’t happy with the bird photos and stopped for fuel, returning home by 5:00 pm. Hubby had a few tasks on the computer and I hit the recliner. We will not need dinner. We had only 32 new COVID cases today, things are surely looking better. But don’t let down your guard down completely yet. Thanks for dropping by.“ADVICE FROM A ROBIN. Be an early bird / Stretch your wings / Wake up with a song / Keep a nest egg / Think spring / Spend time in the garden / Be true blue!” - Your True Nature

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