Heavily Laden

We got up early to begin phase two of our attic clean up. We spent several hours sorting the keepers and breaking down the discarded boxes. I saved two of each size we might use for mailing packages plus a dozen or so for the next family who moves. Hubby put all the boxes for recycling in his truck, almost filling the bed. Standing on concrete is really hard on the knees so we stopped at that point. We will get back to it tomorrow. I decided to go with hubby after lunch. First stop was to get this picture of a neighbor’s cone laden spruce tree. We admire their evergreens whenever we pass them. The cones have a lovely shape. The gray sky did not help the photo. We next visited the Stihl dealer. Hubby received gift cards for Christmas so he can get a new weed eater. He also wants an edger. This was the preliminary visit. It was time to meet Brooklyn at her bus stop and take her home before basketball practice. We picked up meds, made a few more stops and went home to rest for the evening. Thanks for the visit. Glad so many of you commented on our “mess”. It’s one of those jobs that make you feel really good when it’s complete. Stay safe. "He that plants trees loves others beside himself.” - Dr. Thomas Fuller

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