Jack Was Here

Sunny with a high of 49 deg F and anticipated low of 31 deg F. We were up before the sun and our back lawn looked as though it had snowed. I grabbed my coat and took a walk. There were several beautiful scenes to capture. Frozen raindrops hung from the tips of pine needles and spruce branches, drops had frozen in every corner of the bird netting on my blueberry bushes and frost covered all the shrubs. I chose these Rudbeckia pods of tiny seeds that were laid over by the heavy wet snow earlier in the year. Birds love those seeds so I do not remove the withered stalks that are in most of my flower gardens until spring. After breakfast, we got busy working on tax data. Hubby likes to get that task out the way ASAP but, without his prodding, I procrastinate. He agreed to record my data if I collected it. I accomplished a few other inside tasks while hubby built a stand to secure our bikes in the back of his truck. They are almost too long for the bed. His electric bike should arrive any day. After a quick BP&J for lunch, we rested. Hubby will record the info into Turbo Tax while I prepare a meatloaf dinner and the rest of our day will be free. Hoping everyone’s Tuesday was as productive as ours. Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting. Our COVID numbers are still down, 80 cases in the last 24 hour period. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe. “Behold the groves that shine with silver frost, their beauty withered, and their verdure lost!” — Alexander Pope

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