Dunbar Harbour......

Friday again already.
A chilly start with some wintery snow showers this morning.
Kev on mucking out and bedding cattle. Well,I bedded half of them,in between bagging up barley ready for tomorrow morning. Will be starting to feed the ewes next week as they get closer to lambing so even more bags to lift every day. The chiro is going to be busy as usual ...
Went to top up the hydraulic oil in the wee Class tractor but the drum I thought was hydraulic oil turned out to be engine oil so had to go to get some from the dealership at Dunbar this afternoon.
When I was on the way home again I made a wee detour round by the town and took a walk round the harbour to get some sea air in the lungs. A lot of boats tied up of various different sizes.
Back home by 6pm,topped up the tractor then loaded up silage ready for the morning. Turning to frost again now.

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