Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Familiar & Lovely Sight

At the campus where I teach, spring break arrives precisely in the middle of the sixteen week semester, at the end of the eighth week. That exact moment happened today as I exited the classroom. Sigh.

Then early this evening the spring break moment magnified when we crested the slight rise in the road on Highway #1 and there it was-a familiar and lovely sight-the shoreline of California's Central Coast. I suppose that if one particular road trip is experienced numerous times, that special places on the journey become favorites. This photo marks one of those for us-that moment when we're looking north at Estero Bay and the little "Cowboy Surf Town" of Cayucos (ki-u-cuss).

We're hoping to be here for nine days. Spring break has officially arrived. Woohoo!

Good night from the Central Coast.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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