Ella’s baking day

Thankfully Ella had no nightmare issues after her worries relating to watching TV news last night, though it was around 10 before she fell asleep.

We had a lovely day together. We made a sticky date cake then blueberry drop scones. We forgot to add sugar to the drop scone batter but we rectified this by eating them with maple syrup. Ella had the good idea of saving some batter to make some big pancakes for lunch pudding.

We played cards and won a game each then we had to deliver a letter back to Hazel. She’d wrongly addressed it to our house but it had another person’s name on it. I recognised her handwriting but just to be sure, took a photo and WhatsApped it to her. It was from her. Ella thought I could be Miss Marple! Because we felt a bit stuffed, having sampled the drop scones, we decided to “drop off” the letter back to Hazel. It meant I could add 2.75 miles to my total towards the virtual walk to John O’ Groats.

Ella was excited to spend her £1 at the sweet shop on our way back. It was closed so we walked round to the paper shop. Also shut. It is now only open between 8-2. She took it well, saying we’d probably had enough sweet food for one day.

The drive home with her seemed quick as she talked the whole time, telling us in detail about the school residential trip and about the game she and Kate play. Ella is Queen Honeycomb and mother to Kate who is Beezy. (The name is gender-neutral because it is not known if Beezy is male or female).
Beezy has behavioural issues and not only digs holes for the mother to fall in, but also has been expelled from several schools. I asked if there was nobody who could help
Beezy. Ella said that was Ben’s role but he wasn’t very good at it.

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