Before da Snaw

More cold gales blowing, some sunny spells, and then some snow and wintery showers. 

Back to work, and early shift in the airport today.  It was a quiet morning, and mostly helped out with the offshore helicopter flights.  Finished early, and stupidly fell asleep on the sofa.  After tea, I got the Christmas decorations down, and the house is bare again.  Walkies with Sammy, then time for the darts final.  Early night again, hopefully my afternoon snooze won't affect my sleep tonight. 

It's certainly feeling a lot like traditional January weather, cold, windy and wet.  There might be more snow overnight, which isn't great when driving, and leaving the house at 5.45am.  Looking like a week of wind, rain and possibly snow at times.  Taken this lunchtime, at Toab, Virkie. 

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