Ross on da Angelina

Another windy day, the odd shower, and some fine sunny spells.  Fairly chilly.

A lazy morning about the house.  I finally headed out with Sammy, and bumped into Julie.  We both popped Madeline's for a cuppa, then continued the walk.  A movie afternoon, darts on the telly tonight.  More walkies, and then an early night. 

As we headed around the village, Julie wanted to check on her son, Ross (Jamieson).  He works on the Angelina LK 377, and they headed off to fish a few days ago, returning home today, to land their catch.  With the gales been, Ross said it was pretty wild out at sea, and not sure if they'll head out again until the winds ease again.  Ross peeping out the wheelhouse window, Blacksness, Scalloway.  

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