
By Grammy

Our Sanctuaries

Cloudy and chilly, temps in 30s and 40s F. Around 9:00 pm last night, we planned to sit on our recliners long enough to unwind. We awoke at 3:00 am and should have stayed put. Finally got a few more hours sleep around 6:00. We hoped to simply rest today in the comfort of our home but is that ever possible? I cleaned, did laundry, and ordered more Christmas gifts. Decided to share a look at the “bird sanctuary” I make each winter for our feathered friends on the bird feeder patio. It’s just stacked butterfly bush branches with a trellis to keep them from being blown down. Hawks stop by the feeders looking for prey. In summer, the birds can hide in the bushes. This sanctuary will give them a hiding place and also provide shelter pockets from winter weather. It looks messy but does its job. My sister invited me to join her at a craft fair. We did not make a purchase but enjoyed seeing jewelry, stained glass, various artists’ works, baskets, etc. At our age, we need to donate stuff, not collect more. Hubby worked on our virus protection software issue, exercised, iced and heated the knee. His entire leg was swollen from sitting yesterday and not having it elevated. After lunch, Mancil asked if I’d take him to see his girlfriend and we delivered storage containers to our oldest grand. My children are facing some tough times. Their dad is frail and weak and appears to be giving up. They will start taking turns to care for him at his home which is over an hour away. I will take their children to practices, etc. on those days when needed. He has rebounded from serious illnesses many times; maybe he will again. Thanks for dropping by. Sure hope you each found time to rest today. Stay safe. “A home is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life's storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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