
By Grammy

Autumn Splendor

Sunny and mild; a gorgeous Autumn Day. Hubby had an 8:30 appointment with his surgeon’s assistant so we hopped out of bed early. Breakfast was easy; we had leftovers from the Knight’s event. I walked around the office grounds while hubby was being seen and found some roses and white camellias. I’m sure more than one person thought I was nuts. Hubby got excellent news. They were pleased with his knee flexibility, the wound’s healing, the pain lessening/narcotics use finished, etc. He got the go ahead to use the mower, drive to WV at the end of the month, climb stairs and gradually move from walker to cane. The only disappointment was that he has to wear the compression stockings for four more weeks. I stopped by my son’s and he helped me order two fishing reels for Christmas gifts (one for him). I decided years ago to let folks choose gifts they need/want rather than buy stuff that never gets used. We ate a sandwich and headed to physical therapy where hubby received electric shock treatments. He felt good afterwards. It wasn’t five minutes after we got home before he was on the John Deere. Said that felt even better. Lol. The neighbor’s tree behind him is at its peak colors. I finally get to fix Sloppy Joes and slaw for dinner; we rarely remember to make them. Our SIL and BIL are going to put the cover on our new camper after work. That should protect the exterior from the weather and hot sun. So it has been a busy but totally productive day for all. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe but live life to its fullest. "I see the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when the day is done." - HazelMarie Mattie Elliott

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