
By Grammy

Where Did They Come From?

Sunny and perfect Fall temps all day. We had a wonderful free day so we ambled about and enjoyed being home. Hubby walked (with his cane), exercised, did paperwork and napped. I fed the birds, picked a few ripening tomatoes and was entertained by the variety of birds flitting about. Later, I took a walk and noticed these flowers in my neighbor’s garden. Little did I know so many insects were still feeding on flowers. Seek did not identify the “winged ants” but the rust and white bug is an ailanthus webworm moth. The green spotted insect is a spotted cucumber beetle. The blooms were covered. It’s a shame I didn’t get out there before the sun was so bright but those hungry bugs may not have been there earlier either. I did more laundry (those kitties are being bad girls lately). We had the sloppy joes for lunch since my son caught more fish and his wife made us a special meal last night. We rested all afternoon and it felt good. Thanks for dropping by and leaving stars and comments. Enjoy some down time; it does the body good. “Only bugs can truly appreciate the beauty of flowers.” - Dov Davidoff

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