Blue Skies

It is going to be “that kind of” week I guess. My youngest woke me up around 12:30 am. She’d just gotten word her Dad had had a massive heart attack. She couldn’t get her siblings to answer the phone. I texted Mancil and Parker who woke up their parents. My son was on business travel in NY; he changed his flight to get back by 6:30 am. My girls both headed to the hospital that’s a little over an hour away. They texted me with status updates throughout the night. We just received a diagnosis: Ventricular tachycardia which can be fatal but his defibrillator did its job. The culprit could be a new med that depleted his potassium. Hopefully, they will get his system stable. He is in ICU but is awake and cognitive. Hubby and I slept in a bit. While I did laundry and inside tasks, Hubby picked up new grass seed and fertilizer and reseeded the front and side lawn. The other seeds must have been “dead.” I had to leave to meet a crafter to buy stocking stuffers just as my sister stopped by. When I passed our polling station, I took a photo of the entrance covered in political placards. Looked like a decent turnout at at time. Hope the same is true nationwide. Hubby pruned the shrubs by the house/driveway while I finished cleaning the beds in the formal garden. Mancil and Brooklyn stopped by just as I was putting my tools away. It was nice to sit and chat with them for awhile. Their parents were back at the hospital. We are having pizza for dinner; too tired to cook. Sending wishes for calm and good news. Thanks for dropping by. "If you don't vote, you lose the right to complain.” - GEORGE CARLIN

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