Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Vancouver, BC, Canada

My friend Trudy and I are in Vancouver, British Columbia. This morning at 8:30 we exited this Holland America ship to begin our tour of this city. I knew that it would take us through the downtown and to Granville Island which is mostly a shopping place that includes the Public Market. My big surprise and delight was that this tour included a drive around the perimeter of Stanley Park and an up-close view of Lions Gate Bridge (which can be seen in this photo taken from the bus). Mr. Fun had told me numerous times you've got to tour Stanley Park. So I had signed us up for a tour of the park which was cancelled.

The park is beautiful and currently is recovering from a tremendous wind storm that happened in December 2006 that destroyed approximately 10,000 trees. The park includes a fabulous walking, jogging, bicycling path around its perimeter. Lions Gate Bridge was designed and built by the same architect who designed the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The similarities are quite obvious.

On Granville Island, Trudy purchased two fresh brewed pots of peppermint tea, one for her and one for me, very delicious. Then we did a quick stroll through the Public Market (a place that needed several hours of our time). It was absolutely fascinating with lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, delicacies, and so much more. Honestly, I'd love to spend 3, 4 or 5 days in this fascinating city. I love big cities and I enjoyed the little bit that we've gotten to explore this place.

Trudy and I are having such a good time. We've talked and talked, so much in fact that Trudy woke-up with a hoarse voice this morning. She has been a widow for 17+ years, lives alone, and her voice doesn't usually get this kind of a workout. Trude's husband, Mitch, died from heart complications when he was 47. In the summer of 1986, Mitch rode his bicycle down the coast of California from San Francisco to home with Mr. Fun & me. In 1991 Mitch & Trudy moved to Vermont. His death was a devastating surprise the end of January 1992. Sometime in the future I will write more about Mitch & Trudy and our friendship.

This ship will sail away from Vancouver at 5:00 p.m. today and tomorrow we'll wake-up in Seattle to disembark and head for the airport. Trudy will be flying home to New Hampshire and I will be flying home to Southern California. This is a weekend we'll remember for the rest of our lives. I'm so thankful for this girlfriend and this time we've had together.

So long from the Pacific Northwest with a promise to check-in tomorrow from Southern California.

Rosie, aka Carol

P. S. Yesterday's blip was from Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC, Canada, and Friday's was about getting to Seattle and meeting-up with Trudy.

P.P.S. Hello to Mr. Fun! I miss you and am looking forward to seeing you at Ontario Airport tomorrow late afternoon. Love you ;-)

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