Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Spring is everywhere in this backyard at the moment . . . making bold statements; making passionate statements; making flirtatious statements; and sometimes making subtle statements.

This evening before the sun's light was gone, just after consuming my organic olive & mushroom personal-size pizza, I walked into the back yard because I had fed myself today, but not my camera, so it was time to fill the little point-&-shoot Nikon.

Roses of various shades, amaryllis (some red and some ivory), calla lilies, poinsettias, nasturtium, geraniums, and over the fence bougainvillea--all invited me to look their way and click.

It was rather nonchalantly that I happened to look down and noticed the beauty silently poised on the ice plant that Mr. Fun brought back here several years ago from the Carmel home of the poet Robinson Jeffers. The creamy yellow with a touch of shine looked sweet enough to eat or at least to pluck and place on a dessert plate boasting something luscious. I did not pluck, but I did aim and shoot.

Thank you to all who wrote complimentary thoughts about yesterday's amaryllis and who put up with my "snit" about students not wanting to write. I know they don't and I know it every semester. It is my job opportunity to help them taste its pleasure (of course, after they have purposed to practice).

So I find great hope on this "eve before the in-class essay" with a satisfying thought penned by writer Dawn Haines who teaches writing at the University of New Hampshire, "Writing is about making connections and creating something where before there was nothing. It's about energy and intellect and gifts. It's about hope."

Filled with hope--good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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