
By Farmerboab

Full bore....

A very wet day. It has rained all day. Emptied the rain guage at 10 am before I left for a sale at St Boswell's mart and there was just over 2 inches in it then. Haven't looked since.
The sale I was at was a dispersal of cows from a couple of farms plus a store sale. The first farm was selling 130 cows and 4 Angus bulls. Seemingly the farm is going for forestry. I bid on a couple of the bulls but didn't get them, so went to the canteen for lunch then headed home again.
This was the main 12" drain from the fields that the drainer's are working in at the quarry. There was certainly enough water coming down the pipe this morning when I checked ! The burn was that high that some of the other drain outlets were under water.

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