Saturday night satisfaction ....

A wet morning , with whole water for about an hour .
Managed to bring in the 5 cows with calves from the banking behind the steading, then moved the spring calvers into that field ready to ( hopefully) vaccinate their calves on Monday . The bull that was in with them came to the yard gate so managed to walk him in and take him out to a field of autumn calving cows in the tractor and trailer .
Once that was done , had to bring in a cow that had calved last night and the calf hadn’t sucked . A 2 bike rodeo was required with a few near death experiences as mother was a tad over protective and had a few goes at trying to kill us !
Eventually managed to rally her home and left the calf until she was secured in the crush, then while I milked her out, Gareth went back with the trailer and brought the calf home. It sucked a couple of litres of milk out a bottle no bother.
Shut them both in a shed and hopefully it will suck her before tomorrow . If not it could be another interesting day !
Went down the road this afternoon and managed to entice the heifers onto the track with some feeding. Hopefully when I try to bring them home next week they will do the same .
Cooked up some mince and tatties tonight for my tea . Not a bad end to the day !

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