Grand walking morning

Gill walked up Physic Lonnen from her village and we met at the moor gate for over 7 miles, along the tops, down the red road, up blue mill woods and back onto the top carriage drive. She headed back and I continued back via the woods. We were boiling as it was sunny and mild. This view is looking back to blue mill woods with the Cheviots and Scottish border on the horizon.

Thomas is off on a 3 day school residential course. He was excited and probably a bit apprehensive. I wonder how James likes life without him. Ella did a power-point presentation about a place special to her for RE. She chose Rothbury because we live here and we are special to her. I felt a bit emotional when I read it. (She also likes the sweet shop here as well as the bakery and Cragside). Nathaniel got a certificate for making great progress with Spanish - he is having to catch up with others who have gone since year 1. He is listening well which is good for our daydreamer.

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