Stare at the stairs

......i know it wont be to everyones taste, but I am really happy with the transformation.

I slept well, but am still feeling tired....almost nodded off this afternoon, my eyes were so tired lol!

Returned the 2 rolls of surplus wallpaper this morning, had to do it within 30 days, so as it was day 28 today, I had to take the drive across the M62 to horrendous driving conditions, it has absolutely poured down all day long :-/ anyhow got my £50 back.

Stopped off at the Services driving back, bathroom break and a coffee whilst I was there.....long queue again on the,slip,road to the A580..... eventually got home around 1.30!!

Intended to start the clean up post decorators, but somehow just couldnt muster the energy, so sat around, watching the olympics, drinking tea lol.

Made spicy veg terrine for my dinner, with chicken breast and chilli couscous.....very tasty :-)

Bought myself a bottle of lidls Old Uncle Toms gin, the brand that BilL gave me whilst down in Southampton.....its really nice, treating myself to a couple this evening whilst watching tv, in my lovely glass which was a present from a dear friend, after hub died. She said it would remind me of all our good times in the garden together <3 you can see it in extras

Dont think I will be late to bed tonight.... hopefully will tackle the dust tomorrow lol

Today is my sis's 39th wedding anniversary and would have been Dads 88th birthday too

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