
By Mindseye


Been on a bit of a downer today

Didnt feel like getting out of bed when I woke up, so didnt! Had a lie in, but felt worse when I did get up, a really woolly head, a bit achey....
had a late brunch, almost midday!

Thought about starting the cleaning, now the decorators have finished.....really had to rally myself, managed to do little bedroom, put away some of the things that belonged in my "our" bedroom. Emptied the bins, dusted, hoovered all upstairs and downstairs too.

Washed & dried one set of new bedding ready for use when my new headboard comes! Until then Im going to stay sleeping in the second bedroom......beds not comfy as ours though ;-)

Part made some special fried rice, ready for dinner tonight, to go with chinese spiced pork loin chops.

Had a couple of teary sessions today.....the weather is definitely not helping my mood, poured all day again, well up until 7pm.
havent taken any photos, so forgive me, Ive spent too long looking at photos of us in happier times........this is one I really love.

I drove into town at 3.45 for a coffee and a bit of cake to tide me over until dinner later, as I was due to daughters to take delivery of her on line groceries between 5-6. Once done, I spent an hour or so just talking to her cat, Bella, whilst wiping the kitchen surfaces down, thanks to Bella lol!

There were flowers on the counter top with a card for daughter......I think her friend had put them into a glass of water, but they didn't look too healthy, so I unwrapped them and cut the tips off, put the feed into some water, hunted high & low for a vase, couldnt find any, so a wine carafe had to do, fingers crossed they perk up......not sure who they are from ;-)

Its been a funny weekend, the first time ive spent a whole weekend at home alone, bar "popping out" to daughters, havent had a conversation with anyone, other than a brief sentence in Costa and the delivery guy......cant say I liked it very much at all :-(

Usually dont mind my own company, but not today.........hope you all fair better in your new week :-)

Daughter is safely back home now, so thats good :-)

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