
We finished our tea and I suddenly realised that I hadn't taken a single photo today. That's not counting the one of what we ate, since Joanna gave me the recipe yesterday ad I wanted to show her how it turned out (roasted cauliflower and quinoa salad with some interesting spices, if you want to know).

Thankfully it's a lovely sunny evening so I headed out to the garden while D did the washing up.It was very quiet out there; I don't know what everyone is up to this evening...just the bees buzzing around, hard at work as usual. I always leave some leeks unharvested so that the bees can enjoy the flowers, which are just beginning to burst open. They would make a great blip, I thought.

Just as well I went to look at the veg patch since I noticed that my broad bean tips were drawing with aphids. I cut them all off and washed the remaining aphids away with the watering can. Phew!

Today I have picked the last of the strawberries and the first of the raspberries. I love these tastes of summer.

Today's walks: Stepford 3.63 miles, RB with Joanna and Jess 2 miles

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