
busy busy day at the cafe today - eight hours on my feet and I still needed to go for a walk. I drove down to Glencaple and took a wee wander by the edge of the Nith. It was so calming to hear the birds calling (a lot of oyster catchers) and the reeds swishing in the breeze. I felt so mellow after that, which goes to show that even a short walk in nature is good for the soul.

I paid a visit to Joe and Kim before heading down to the Robert Burns Centre - my first visit to a cinema since March 2020, with Fi and Jill from Samba Sisters. It's only a small theatre and the numbers were limited to 25, everyone well spaced out and wearing masks. The film was "Supernova" - very hard to watch from an emotional point of view so don't go if you're wanting something light. Amazing acting from both Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci and lovely to see the Lake District was empty of cars :-)

We came out to beautiful light over the town, and the sun close to setting. Stood outside with Jill and Fi for a bit putting the world to rights before heading home. 

Quite keen to go to bed now!

Today's walk - the Nith at Glencaple 1.28 miles

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